- Impact of Fecal Sludge and Municipal Solid Waste Co-Compost on Crop Growth of Raphanus Sativus L. and Capsicum Anuum L. under Stress Conditions
- Potentials of Waste and Wastewater Resources Recovery and Re-use (RRR) Options for Improving Water, Energy and Nutrition Security
- Enabling Environment for Waste and Wastewater Recycling and Reuse Options in South Asia: the case of Sri Lanka
- Circular economy of composting in Sri Lanka – Opportunities and challenges for reducing waste related pollution and improving soil health
- Why adoption is slow despite promising potential of bio gas technology for improving energy security and mitigating climate change in Sri Lanka?
- Co-composting of Solid Waste and Fecal Sludge for Nutrient and Organic Matter Recovery
- Investment climate indicators for waste reuse enterprises in developing countries: Application of analytical hierarchy process and goal programming model
Conference presentations
- Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Compost on Compliance with Sri Lanka Quality Standards
- Effect of Municipal Solid Waste and Fecal sludge Co-compost Pellet and Powder Forms with Bio Char and Urea on Vegetative Growth of Maize (Zea mays L.)
- Suitability of Municipal Solid Waste Co-compost as a Growing Media Amendment for Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum) Mother Plant Production
- Compost from organic waste as an option for reducing water pollution and improving soil health in Sri Lanka
- Nutrients from Organic Waste To Improve Soil Health and Enhance Food Security in Sri Lanka
- Fertiliser Derived from Fecal Sludge in Sri Lanka: Analysis of Plant Nutritional Value and Heavy Metal Contamination
- Evaluation of co-composted fecal sludge as an agricultural resource in Sri Lanka
- Crop and Soil Response on Fecal Sludge Derived Fertiliser in the Intermediate Climate Zone of Sri Lanka
- Strength and Disintegration Characteristics of Compost Pellets from Urban Waste in Sri Lanka
- Sustainable wastewater management in developing countries
- Factors Affecting Sustainability of Municipal Solid Waste Composting Projects in Sri Lanka
- An Inquiry into Farmer Perception on “Fortified Compost”
Technical report
- Review of Sanitation System and Investment Climate for Waste Recycling Technologies in South And Southeast Asia: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Laos
- Guidelines on Pellet Production from Co-compost with Fecal Sludge
- Technical Report on Organic Fertilizer & Pellet Production
- Training Manual for Fecal sludge based Compost Production and Application