

Faculty of Agriculture & Plantation Management
Makandura, Gonawila, Sri Lanka

Contact: Dr W.J.S.K. Weerakkody
Tel: +94 (0) 312 299 247


Ruhr-University Bochum                                                                                           

Institute of Geography
Department of Soil Science and Soil Ecology
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum, Germany

Contact: Prof. Dr. Bernd Marschner
Tel: +49 (0) 234 322 4788


University of Bonn

Center for Development Research (ZEF)
Department of Economics and Technological Change
Walter-Flex Strasse 3
Bonn, Germany

Contact: Dr. Nicolas Gerber. Tel: +49 (0) 228 1883


International Center for Water Management Services (CEWAS)

Müligass 7
6130 Willisau

Contact: Dr. Johannes Heeb
Tel: +41 (0)78 872 67 44



Wayamba University, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management

Wayamba University located in Sri Lanka serves at two premises, Kuliyapitya and Makandura with easy access from Colombo, Kurunegala, and Kandy. The two locations are situated in an ideal environment with food and agribusiness, and industrial and commercial activities. The University has established links with national and regional industries, business establishments, research institutes and government and non-government organizations. The University has initiated several research activities with industry collaborations.

The Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management (FAPM) was established in 1999, when the Wayamba Campus of the Rajarata University was elevated as the thirteenth national University of Sri Lanka as the Wayamba University. At that time the Wayamba Campus of FAPM established various research facilities on 25 acres of land at a rural agricultural setting along the Negombo-Kurunegala (B 308) road. FAPM offers a B.Sc. in Agriculture degree programme which is of four years duration. The current intake of students for this programme is 150 that are served by 34

well qualified faculty members. From 2014 on, a revised curriculum of the B.Sc. (Agriculture) is adopted to accommodate the new developments in the job market and students have the option of selecting seven specialized areas in four departments: Plantation Management, Horticulture and Landscape Gardening, Agribusiness Management and Biotechnology. FAPM conducts an annual Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES) that has gained wider acceptance by the scientific community. This event also provides an opportunity for final year students to present, discuss and debate the outcomes of their research projects whereas relevant research outcomes are published in the proceedings of this symposium.

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